Sunday, August 13, 2006

Depleted uranium for breakfast

If it glows green, we must all be careful...

Ahlawi has posted a disturbing article on exposure to depleted uranium in Iraq.

Not only are we sending our own troops to wallow in this stuff, we're sprinkling it all over other people's countries too. A garnish to last til the end of time...Ick.

The US has way too much advanced know-how for its own good. If we don't blow up the entire earth while trying to get the bad guys, we'll just steep in radioactive funk instead.

(blinky image by inatizzy)

1 comment:

ahlawi said...

yo carey...thanks for the pitch...i missed you guys when i was in miami! was looking at your flikr photos, DAMN JELOUS! hope you guys are doing great...
