Saturday, August 26, 2006

Semester starts in 2 days..

So I finally got my work schedule cut back, and I've messed around with my courses so I've got a relatively un-scary batch now. I'm now feeling slightly less like running away. I still can't convince myself to like grad school, actually I still passionately hate this use of 2 good years, but for now I'm not feeling like hiding under the spare bed. So that's something.

So far the psyching-myself-for-school, end of summer process seems to include:

-Buying 3 brightly-colored notebooks, in a smaller size than my usual, in hopes I will take them with me when I go out and about.

-Buying assorted non-cook or microwave-cook edibles, so I can feed my stomach while my mind doesn't want to worry about food.

-Cleaning up the chaotic office space a little. The stacks of books must replace the jigsaw puzzle on the coffee table.

-Setting up a fish tank in my office (pictures later, soon). FrankFiction is taking this project very seriously. I had no idea a fish tank was this much work. I'm not sure it usually is, unless you're a marine science person currently employed and bored in the food service industry.

-Considering doing something different to my fur. Altho maybe not this weird, I do have to face work on Monday morning...

Your Hair Should Be Orange

Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.
You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices.

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